Jayman Prestidge recently joined Fordham as National Managing Partner. We sat down with Jayman to talk about his background, his aims for our clients and our business and to see how he views the business landscape as we emerge from the restrictive impacts of the pandemic.
What’s your personal and professional background?
Happily married with two teenage children. Grew up, the youngest of four, in the agricultural towns of Gippsland. A love of the outdoors, with hobbies including mountain biking, camping and hiking. Professionally, I’ve got a Bachelor of Business in Economics and Accounting, I’m a Chartered Accountant and Registered Tax Agent. Most relevantly for Fordham clients, I have 27 years’ experience working with private businesses of all sizes.
What three words best describe you?
"Happy, Decisive, Competitive."
What made you choose this role and Fordham?
"That’s easy, three things:"
1. Fordham’s value proposition:
"Its total focus of helping private business owners. The best part of working with business owners is earning their trust over time so you become part of their inner sanctum and they turn to you whenever they’re making key decisions around their business and personal lives. That’s an exciting challenge, an honour and a great responsibility – and I love it. And it’s an idea that we really live and breathe at Fordham".
2. The People
"If you become a Fordham client you will be working with business advisers who really are the full package. They’ll know your industry, they’ve got deep technical knowledge and most importantly, they’ll bring some fine-tuned business acumen to work on whatever your challenges are. That excites me!".
3. Opportunity
"Fordham is as a specialist part of Perpetual and Perpetual is a truly global business. The insights, resources and global network that brings to Fordham is a big benefit for our clients and I want to make sure they know about it".
What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve received in your business career?
"Bring respect and a sensitivity to other people into every decision you make. That makes sense in the business world – with tangible and intangible benefits. And it’s just a great way to live your life too".
How would you define complete success in your role at Fordham?
"Fordham as the number one provider of holistic advisory services to private business owners in Australia".
What are your thoughts on the short-term economic outlook for private business in Australia?
"It’s repair from the pandemic, but not a complete re-build. The high vaccination rates in Australia and our Governments’ fiscal and monetary policy have helped many – but not all - private businesses bounce back fast.
There is reason for a strong level of optimism for Australian private businesses and that’s what we’re hearing from the heartbeat of our client base.
Having said that, I think the big change coming for private business is inflation and more supply chain issues. So we’re going to be working with a lot of clients on cost control and operational improvement but also on strategic thinking that builds more value-add into their offerings. Put all that together and you give businesses the pricing power they need to prosper in this new environment."
What’s the one thing private business owners can do now to optimise their chance for long-term growth?
"Many private businesses have pivoted with amazing speed to cope with the business challenges imposed by the pandemic and the accompanying restrictions. But now is not the time to sit back, or to look to “get back to normal.” It’s time for a re-pivot that reshapes your business. Is the answer in digital innovation, flexibility in your workforce or another x-factor you haven’t yet discovered? That’s what we’re asking Fordham clients – “where’s your new edge?” And we’re working with lots of them to re-set their personal financial and business plans to take advantage of the opportunities in the marketplace.
I’m looking forward to meeting even more clients to understand their challenges and opportunities. And to ensure we are always by their side to provide the advice they need. Feel free to reach out to me on 03 9611 6741 or jprestidge@fordhamgroup.com.au, or connect with me on LinkedIn."